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Delegation with Michel Reimon, EU Parliamentarian of the Green Party, in Erbil

Delegation with Michel Reimon, EU Parliamentarian of the Green Party, in Erbil

Last week Michel Reimon, EU Parliamentarian of the Austrian Green Party, travelled with a delegation to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, in order to observe the humanitarian situation of the hundred thousands of refugees, fleeing from the IS extremists.

In an interview with the daily newspaper DER STANDARD Reimon describes dramatic moments witnessed during the ongoing rescue operation of the ten thousands of Yezidis, which sought refuge on Shingal mountain.
“The helicopters, are under constant fire. Moreover, the humanitarian corridor, that has enabled some of the Yezidis to flee in the past days, had to be closed down again due to advances of IS artillery in the area.”

Media Coverage (In German)

Berichterstattung im ORF
Michel Reimon im ZIB 2 Interview mit Armin Wolf 11. August 2014

DIE PRESSE, “Nordirak: Die Menschen erwarten die Hilfer der EU”, Wieland Schneider, 12 August 2014
DER STANDARD, “IS Kämpfer beschießen Rettungshubschrauber”, Teresa Eder, 11 August 2014

Ö1 (Austrian Radio), Interview with Michel Reimon, 09 August 2014

Personal Impressions of Michel Reimon
Video: Airlift to Sinjar

Video: Current Situation in Erbil

Fotos und Kurzberichte finden Sie auf dem Facebook Profil von Michel Reimon.